Quit Tobacco Programme (QTP)
Preventing tobacco use and helping those who use it to quit, can have long-term benefits for individuals and for public health in general. People addicted to alcohol and drugs use tobacco products and for them it is very challenging to stop using tobacco, even after they stop alcohol and drugs use. To help these people, T.T.K Hospital has developed a new initiative called the “Quit Tobacco Programme”.
Some Highlights About QTP
- 5 Psycho-therapy sessions including re-educative lectures & counseling.
- Medications to help quit. (NRT’s available @ TTK Pharmacy)
- Follow-up care
- Strengthening family and other social support
The lecture sessions include
- Basic facts about tobacco & problems caused
- Interaction of chemicals & their chemical properties
- Benefits of quitting & tips to handle craving
- Long-term ill effects in case of not quitting
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy & Anti-craving medicines that help.